Learn more about placement opportunities for students to explore the Community Service sector!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto is committed to providing quality student placement opportunities that fulfills our agency’s vision to build thriving communities by empowering lives through mentorship. We have numerous learning opportunities for Masters, Bachelors and Diploma program students looking to explore the Community Service sector. Placements are offered in the following areas:
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto generally accepts resumes from students three times per year for placements commencing in September, January and April.
Placement opportunities are based on the needs of the agency, and the capacity of staff able to support students as placement supervisors. All Placement Students must successfully complete the mentor enrolment and assessment process and will be provided with additional academic and professional learning supports from our experienced staff team.
For placement inquiries and questions, please contact our Student Services Manager, Jasmine Soto at Jasmine.Soto@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca.