If you are a parent/guardian, service provider or youth 16+, find the steps to enrolling in BBBST!
If you are a parent/guardian living in an “M” postal code and are interested in enrolling your child into BBBST, please complete the “Inquiry Form”.
For more information, contact infotoronto@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca or call us at 416 925 8981 ext. 4100.
To enroll a child in Mississauga or Brampton, please contact BBBS Peel at 905-457-7288.
Read the Journey Map below to see the complete process to becoming a mentee at BBBST!
Did you know? If you’re 16 years old, you can apply independently to become a mentee with BBBST. Click here to learn more!
If you are referring a family to our agency, please complete the “Service Provider Referral Form” below.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This form can only be completed if the Parent/Guardian has an active email address. If the parent/guardian does NOT have an email address, please call us at 416-925-8981 to request a print version of the application form.