Scholarships for Youth

Find scholarship opportunities available through BBBST!



The Andra Takacs Scholarship encourages and supports post-secondary education for students who have demonstrated initiative and academic potential, through appropriate academic and financial support. Each year, the award goes to two girls and two boys, or to students with other gender identities. Candidates must demonstrate financial need.

Two winners and two alternates will be selected each year. Each of the four recipients receive a $250 price upon completion of Grade 8. After graduating high school and upon admission to an undergraduate program at the University of Toronto or another eligible college or university, winners will be eligible to receive a renewable scholarship of $10,000/year for up to 4 years and alternates will be eligible to receive $3,500/year for up to 4 years.

Award terms: The $250 prize is given to the award recipients at their Grade 8 graduation ceremony in June (subject to approval of the school principal). Post-secondary tuition assistance is provided at the time of enrolment and will be applied directly toward tuition fees and other academic expenses. The scholarship may be used at the University of Toronto or any other accredited post-secondary school in Canada approved by the University of Toronto.

Download scholarship documents:

2025 Andra Takacs Application Part A, B and C
2025 Andra Takacs Part D – Academic Report
2025 Andra Takacs Part E-Reference Form

Please submit completed application by March 28th 2025 to:

Tara Hartley, Manager of Group Programs
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto



*2024 Applications NOW closed*

The Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship was designed to assist students affiliated with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Toronto with financial support for their post-secondary education. Funded by the JAM Charitable Foundation, this award is available to two students and is valued at $5,000 each.

This scholarship is not solely academic based. We want to hear how you plan to be a leader in your community today and in the years to come. Recipients may include students who are a positive presence in the lives of those around them, are involved in school, clubs or team athletics, contribute to their community in meaningful ways, and/or have ideas on how to improve their school, neighbourhood, community or the world – now and in the future.

2024 Leaders of Tomorrow Application Form

2024 Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship Overview

Fill out the application and send it to by 10 p.m. on April 26, 2024. Save a copy of your application for your records. Selected recipients will be notified via email by June 21, 2024.


Edgepoint Partnering for Success Scholarship

*2024 Applications now closed*

The EdgePoint Partnering for Success Scholarship (the “Scholarship”) provides access to post-secondary education and rewards youth who demonstrate community leadership with a focus on equity-deserving young people. We want to encourage students to continue their academic career after high school by giving them both financial and personal support. Personal support could include, but is not limited to, Big Brother/Sister-type mentorship to help with the transition from high school to post-secondary education, professional coaching, or internship opportunities. This award is available to one student.

The Scholarship covers the funding of undergraduate tuition fees for a maximum of four years. The maximum total value awarded will be $40,000 spread over four years. The maximum tuition that will be covered is $10,000/year. This amount is subject to change depending on changing tuition fee schedules. This award will be conditional upon satisfactory academic progress in the recipient’s program of choice. We want to build a mentoring relationship with the student through this process and offer layers of support as they pursue a higher level of education.

Edgepoint Scholarship Application 2024

Fill out the application linked below and send it to by 10 p.m. ET, May 10th, 2024. (DEADLINE EXTENDED)

Save a copy of your application for your records. Those selected for a formal interview will be contacted by June 1st, 2024. Final decisions will be made no later than June 15th, 2024.  

ted rogers scholarship fund


2023 applications closed

The Ted Rogers Community Scholarships are aimed at students entering or going back to school, full-time or part-time to pursue a first bachelor’s degree, first diploma program or first trades program at a Canadian university, college or trades school, with a focus on equity-deserving young people (Black, Indigenous Peoples, People of Colour, Persons with Disabilities, Women, 2SLGBTQ+).

In 2023, up to 50 scholarships will be offered to Big Brothers Big Sisters youth. These scholarships are valued at $1,000 CAD, valid for one year. Scholarships are only available for students enrolled in a September 2023 or January 2024 school term.

Launched in 2017, the Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund is dedicated to ensuring the success of future generations of Canadians by helping the brightest young leaders across the country succeed in their educational aspirations.

Ted Rogers Scholarships (21 in total) will be awarded to students involved in a BBBS mentoring program who are entering into full time studies in a first bachelor degree, first diploma program or first trades program at a Canadian university, college or trades school. Each Ted Rogers Scholarship will fund post-secondary tuition and compulsory fees on a renewable basis, dependent on the program of study.